Davide Viganò


Last name Viganò
First name Davide
Nationality Italy
Date of birth 12 June 1984
Age 40
Place of birth Carate Brianza
Date Rank GC Race Route
Tour of Bihor - Bellotto (2.2)
65 General Classification
03.06 39 65 Stage 3 Oradea - Oradea
02.06 22 76 Stage 2b Avram Iancu - Unirii Square
02.06 96 78 Stage 2a Oradea - Stana de Vale
01.06 74 74 Stage 1 Oradea - Oradea
Colombia Oro y Paz (2.1)
122 General Classification
8 Points Classification
11.02 131 122 Stage 6 Armenia - Manizales
10.02 114 106 Stage 5 Pereira - Salento
09.02 117 106 Stage 4 Buga - Alto Boquerón El Tambo
08.02 4 18 Stage 3 Palmira - Buga
07.02 6 15 Stage 2 Palmira - Palmira
06.02 8 13 Stage 1 Palmira - Palmira


This year 0
Total 5


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