Petrus van Dijk

Date Rank GC Race Route
Tour of Bulgaria (2.2)
44 General Classification
05.09 51 44 Stage 5 Tryavna - Troyan
04.09 72 58 Stage 4 Burgas - Tryavna
03.09 34 63 Stage 3 Elena - Burgas
02.09 57 76 Stage 2 Kazanlak - Elena
01.09 85 85 Stage 1a Sofia - Zlatitsa
01.09 80 83 Stage 1b Zlatitsa - Kazanlak
Sibiu Cycling Tour (2.1)
14.07 61 34 Stage 3a Muzeul Astra - Muzeul Astra
14.07 22 33 Stage 3b Sibiu - Sibiu
13.07 38 35 Stage 2 Sibiu - Paltinis
12.07 35 38 Stage 1 Sibiu - Balea Lac
11.07 109 109 Prologue Sibiu - Sibiu
Romanian Cycling Tour (2.2)
39 General Classification
06.07 39 Stage 6 Buzau - Bucuresti
05.07 76 39 Stage 5 Vaslui - Galati
04.07 58 32 Stage 4 Botosani - Vaslui
03.07 64 35 Stage 3 Bicaz - Botosani
02.07 40 36 Stage 2 Reghin - Miercurea-Ciuc
01.07 93 50 Stage 1 Marghita - Baia Mare
30.06 32 Prologue Marghita - Marghita
23.06 DNF Kampioenschap van Nederland (CN) Kerkrade - Kerkrade
Tour de Slovaquie (2.2)
44 General Classification
08.06 44 Stage 5 Bratislava - Bratislava
07.06 44 Stage 4 Trencin - Bratislava
06.06 54 48 Stage 3 Liptovský Hrádok - Trencin
05.06 72 56 Stage 2 Stropkov - Liptovský Hrádok
04.06 114 114 Stage 1a Kosice - Kosice
04.06 58 57 Stage 1b Kosice - Humenne
Five rings of Moscow (2.2)
41 General Classification
09.05 76 41 Stage 4 Moscow - Moscow
08.05 32 43 Stage 3 Moscow - Moscow
07.05 104 47 Stage 2 Moscow - Moscow
06.05 53 49 Stage 1 Moscow - Moscow
05.05 50 50 Prologue Moscow - Moscow
03.05 72 Grand Prix of Moscow (1.2) Moscow - Moscow
02.05 12 Memorial of Oleg Dyachenko (1.2) Moscow - Moscow
01.05 37 Mayor Cup (1.2) Moscow - Moscow
Vuelta a Castilla y Leon (2.1)
96 General Classification
14.04 107 96 Stage 3 Aguilar de Campoo - Cervera de Pisuerga
13.04 83 68 Stage 2 Ureña - Palencia
12.04 68 68 Stage 1 Arevalo - Valladolid
Grand Prix of Sochi (2.2)
30 General Classification
07.04 53 30 Stage 5 Tuapse - Krasnodar
06.04 45 28 Stage 4 Novomikhailovsky - Nebug
05.04 19 36 Stage 3 Novorossiysk - Nebug
04.04 39 38 Stage 2 Anapa - Anapa
03.04 63 63 Stage 1 Krasnodar - Anapa
Tour de Blida (2.2)
6 General Classification
23.03 6 6 Stage 3 Chebli - Chrea
22.03 33 6 Stage 2 Tipaza - Blida
21.03 6 6 Stage 1 Blida - Chebli
Tour de Tipaza (2.2)
53 General Classification
20.03 52 53 Stage 3 Tipaza - Tipaza
19.03 59 63 Stage 2 Ain - Benian
18.03 59 59 Stage 1 Alger - Ahmer el Aïn
Tour d'Algérie (2.2)
12 General Classification
15.03 10 12 Stage 5 Mila - Constantine
14.03 38 17 Stage 4 Constantine - Constantine
13.03 22 19 Stage 3 Batna - Setif
12.03 69 19 Stage 2 Setif - Biskra
11.03 18 18 Stage 1 Alger - Bouira