Andras Forray


Last name Forray
First name Andras
Nationality Hungary
Date of birth 29 November 2000
Age 23
Date Rank GC Race Route
Okolo Slovenska / Tour de Slovaquie (2.1)
126 General Classification
21.09 114 126 Stage 5 Hlohovec - Senica
20.09 127 128 Stage 4 Ruzomberok - Hlohovec
19.09 114 126 Stage 3 Bardejov - Ruzomberok
18.09 135 136 Stage 2 Bardejov - Bardejov
18.09 124 133 Stage 1 Bardejov - Bardejov
Turul Romaniei (2.1)
69 General Classification
15.09 75 69 Stage 5 Bucuresti - Bucuresti
14.09 63 74 Stage 4 Ploiesti - Piatra Arsa
13.09 71 77 Stage 3 Buzau - Tárgoviste
12.09 76 76 Stage 2 Brasov - Focsani
11.09 26 61 Stage 1 Cluj-Napoca - Sighisoara
01.09 78 Croatia- Slovenia (1.2)
Cycling Tour of Szeklerland (2.2)
41 General Classification
10.08 41 41 Stage 3b Miercurea-Ciuc - Miercurea-Ciuc
10.08 48 44 Stage 3a Santimbru bai - Santimbru bai
09.08 40 53 Stage 2 Miercurea-Ciuc - Miercurea-Ciuc
08.08 50 65 Stage 1 Sfântu Gheorghe - Sfântu Gheorghe
07.08 81 81 Prologue Sfântu Gheorghe - Sfântu Gheorghe
Tour de Serbia (2.2)
61 General Classification
02.08 63 61 Stage 4 Mionica - Pozarevac
01.08 56 59 Stage 3a Zlatibor - Zlatibor
01.08 55 60 Stage 3b Mionica - Mionica
31.07 54 53 Stage 2 Jahorina - Priboj
30.07 45 45 Stage 1 Istocno Sarajevo - Istocno Sarajevo
26.07 38 45. Gemenc Grand Prix I (1.2)
Sibiu Cycling Tour (2.1)
06.07 DNF Stage 4 Sibiu - Paltinis
05.07 90 90 Stage 3 Sibiu - Balea Lac
04.07 98 98 Stage 2 Sibiu - Sibiu
03.07 95 95 Stage 1 Sibiu - Sibiu
30.06 38 National Road Championships - Hungary (CN)
27.06 18 National Road Championships - Hungary TT (CN)
07.04 DNF GP Adria Mobil (1.2)
International Tour of Rhodes (2.2)
09.03 128 Stage 2 Rhodes - Koskinou
08.03 122 122 Stage 1 Rhodes - Maritsa
24.02 DNF GP Slovenian Istria (1.2)


This year 0
Total 1


Year Team
2019 Pannon Cycling Team


There are no races scheduled at this moment